Marvel Comics characters perfect for the horror genre

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Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics


The Green Goblin may look scary and obsessive, but not the same way Sabretooth is. Victor Creed is a monster and doesn’t need a mask to look frightening. Creed looks like a vicious animal all the way down to the razor sharp claws and teeth. He’s an unrelenting killer who enjoys slaughter. On top being unkillable, his strength, and intimidating physical appearance, Sabretooth can be as quiet as a cat. By the time you know he’s about to attack it’s already too late. Someone that massive shouldn’t be as stealthy as he is.

In X-Men Origins Sabretooth we had a chance to see how Victor Creed became the killer he was. He accidentally killed his brother at a young age and said they were just playing. After his mother catches him, she chained him to a wall in the basement. His father and mother remove his animal like teeth with pliers.

Once Sabretooth escaped, he killed them both and that is how the animal was born. The origin story alone is enough to make a good movie. Seeing him become the monster would be similar to the 2013 Carrie movie where the mother was abusive to her and helped turn Carrie crazy.