Marvel Comics characters perfect for the horror genre

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Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics


If you think Jigsaw is the best at death traps, than you haven’t heard of Arcade. Granted, Jigsaw does more with less, but Arcade is all about the flair. His killer theme parks called Murder World are extremely deadly. He takes the idea of an amusement park and turns them into death traps. A roller coaster that shoots the carts high into the air, merry-go-rounds with flames coming from the horses mouths, or maybe even killer clowns in an inescapable fun-house. Arcade is an insane genius.

During a run called Avengers Arena, Arcade stepped his game up. He created an island similar to what you’d see in the Hunger Games. Unlike what we’ve seen from him before, Arcade was determined to not lose. You could tell this time was different when he killed a teenager in the first book and continued to kill them as the series went on. There was also the time he took Mutant Town and killed a bunch of former mutants because he was paid to take out X-Factor.

Arcade could take the genre of blood bath films and make them creative and fun and more creative than we’ve ever seen. While the Saw films were imaginative, they won’t hold a candle to what Arcade would cook up.