Iron Fist: 5 figures Typhoid Mary may come across next

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Photo Credit: Marvel’s The Punisher/ Marvel Netflix Image Acquired from Netflix Media Center

3. The Punisher

Stationed once again in Afghanistan, Frank “The Punisher” Castle joined a task force as part of Operation Cerberus, headed by the CIA led by William J. Rawlins III dubbed Agent Orange and Major Schoonover. Suspecting that one of the operations Castle endured was overshadowed, after the conflict which resulted in heavy casualties, he struck Agent Orange in the face and since then drove a wedge between them.

Castle returned to his family only to lose them due to a fatal shooting between the NYPD and the criminal gangs that were targetted in a sting operation gone wrong. Many civilians got caught in the crossfire. This incident had Castle become The Punisher and swear vengeance against all crime in New York City.

Due to Walker’s military background, it is possible that Castle may have come across Mary or heard of her at one point. Though, as she was stationed in the Czech Republic, it may have been unlikely he would have met her.

An interesting note to Mary’s character is a forum on Reddit compared the MCU version of Typhoid Mary to Rachel Cole-Alves, who was an ally of the Punisher. Aside from their background, the similarities stop there. The only likely situation is some kind of hired gun for a crime family, syndicate, defense contractor, enterprise or private military force. Walker is likely going to be at odds with The Punisher than being on friendly terms, even less so as allies unless the situation demanded it.

Due to The Punisher’s viewpoints, which are likely black and white, he would clash with Walker in terms of who she stands for as a mercenary. Castle would not approve of her penchant for engaging conflict for profit and would not discriminate over the fact she is mentally challenged due to her diagnosed condition. Castle may spare her Mary personality, but would not waste a moment in taking out her Walker personality.