What should the MCU characters be thankful for on Thanksgiving?

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Photo Credit: Daredevil Image Acquired from Netflix Media Center

Matt Murdock/Daredevil

Matt Murdock is one of the most stubborn people in the MCU. Whether he’s broken, beaten, lost, and confused, he’ll never ask for help. Thankfully, Matt has two friends that are always there to stop him from being too stubborn.

Karen Page and Foggy Nelson have had Matt’s back from the moment they met him (Foggy in college and Karen years later). Sure, there have been bumps in the road, but what friendship doesn’t have those? At the end of the day, Matt needs people who will call him out on his nonsense, but still love him all the same. Without the two of them, Matt may have ended up dead or in jail. Just last season, they helped remind him that killing Wilson Fisk was against everything he stands for. If not for them, he would have become the thing he hates.

Photo Credit: Linda Kallerus/Netflix from Iron Fist

Danny Rand/Iron Fist

This may have flown under the radar, but Danny Rand owes everything to Colleen Wing. First, she helped acclimate Danny back into the world. He was lost and confused, and she helped get him settled. Second, she was the caring person when everyone else abandoned him. And when he lost his the power of the Iron Fist, she was the one who gave up their relationship to retrain him. Danny would have been used by his former friends, if not for her. Davos may have taken over New York and left Danny bleeding out in an alley somewhere. Even if he did survive Davos’ attack, his confidence would have been too low for him to come back.