20 best superhero TV shows of 2018, ranked

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Photo Credit: Marvel’s Daredevil/Netflix Image Acquired from Netflix Media Center

2018 has been full of superhero TV shows, new and old, but which ones of them stood out in the crowded landscape?

2018 is almost at its end and with that, it gives us a much-needed chance to reflect on some of the great television that the year has provided us with. With so many great shows arriving this year to accompany those that made their long-awaited returns, the TV landscape looks incredibly different to how it looked at the beginning of the year – this is especially true when it comes to superhero TV shows.

It’s hard to deny that it has been a great year for the superheroes of TV. While juggernauts like all four of The CW’s Arrowverse shows returned from holiday hiatuses and Netflix released new seasons from all four of its Marvel shows in the one year, we also saw the long-awaited debuts of plenty of newcomers. From Cloak & Dagger to Krypton to Black Lightning, there have been countless new additions to the already-crowded superhero landscape.

But it wasn’t just in live-action either, with shows like Constantine: City Of Demons joining the likes Teen Titans GO! in the animation bracket.

With so much heroic goodness, it’s almost impossible to pick a favourite, but that certainly won’t stop us from trying. With that in mind,  get ready to reflect on some of the best superheroics that this year had to offer, as we take a look at the 20 greatest superhero TV shows to grace our screens this year.