MCU: 25 X-Men characters who should appear in Phase 4 (and beyond)

DF-17640_R – Left to right: Cyclops (Tye Sheridan), Beast (Nicholas Hoult), Quicksilver (Evan Peters), Raven (Jennifer Lawrence), and Jean Grey (Sophie Turner).
DF-17640_R – Left to right: Cyclops (Tye Sheridan), Beast (Nicholas Hoult), Quicksilver (Evan Peters), Raven (Jennifer Lawrence), and Jean Grey (Sophie Turner).
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X-Men (Photo by Miles Willis/Getty Images)

23. Shi’Ar Empire

Who are they?

The Shi’Ar are a humanoid species with some bird-like features with an intergalactic empire that rule more worlds than we could even fathom. They have lorded their sector for an untold amount of time. They’re famously known for fighting the X-Men multiple times. Most notably was the Dark Phoenix Saga that they decided the fate of Jean Grey. They were also part of a tribunal that wanted to cut earth off from the rest of the galaxy forever.

Why this works

With the Shi’Ar also comes Cyclops father Corsair and . After being abducted by the Shi’Ar, Katherine was killed while pregnant and Corsair was sent into slavery. Corsair escaped and stole a ship called Starjammers. They later became space pirates called the Starjammers.

The Shi’Ar and the Starjammers have a lot in common with the rebels in Star Wars, Joss Whedon’s Firefly, and Guardians of the Galaxy. A group of rejects and losers who fight the evil empire and remain free from their rule. There’s also the Shi’Ar heavyweight Gladiator whose powers depend on his confidence. Corsair could be the hero who defeats him in combat by never giving up. Everyone loves when David beats Goliath.