Aquaman: Five things to know about Black Manta

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Credit DC Comics

4. Started out as a villain with a purpose

Writer Bob Haney and artist Nick Cardy brought Black Manta to the pages of DC Comics in 1967. Early on he started out as an anti-villain. Black Manta wasn’t your typical bad guy. He had depth and a reason for why he did what he did. And he didn’t care who stood in his way, including Aquaman.

The early depictions of Black Manta happened in the height of the Civil Rights movements. And in a rare occurrence, a white superhero had a black arch nemesis. However, he explained that his motives weren’t to promote prejudice or racism. In fact, Black Manta wanted to save his people from the injustices in America. Atlantis was going to be their fresh start.

"“Not that racism is my motive… There is no profit in prejudice, but since blacks have been suppressed for so long on the surface, they fight well for a chance to be masters below.”"

Early on, the history and motive of Black Manta bounced around. Over the decade’s writers fleshed out Black Manta’ convoluted origin story. As a matter of fact, he was given an in-depth and equally amazing backstory in DC Comics New 52.