Story, villain problems continue to plague the DCEU

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(Photo by Jack Taylor/Getty Images)

Final thoughts

Aquaman did well in its first weekend (over $67 million, source: That is good news for the DCEU. It is a sign that this universe is on the right path.

Still, all of the rumors about Cavill and Affleck leaving the DCEU are very troubling. Superman and Batman (along with Wonder Woman) are the foundations of the DCEU. Recasting isn’t necessarily an issue, but if they are recast, does the entire DCEU need to be rebooted?

It would be shame to start again, especially as steps in the right direction have been taken. And mostly because every casting choice has been great.

At this point, it doesn’t look like there will be a direct sequel to the Justice League. All of the set-up for Jack Kirby’s Fourth World characters (like Darkseid) are being wasted at this point. Also, Justice League’s tag infers the bad guys getting together and forming either an Injustice League or Legion of Doom – either of which would also make for a pretty cool movie.

When it comes to Marvel or DC, the latter has always been slightly above in my opinion. There is no question (film wise) that the MCU outshines the DCEU in every manner possible. Still, not even one of the twenty MCU films has been nearly as good as Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight (or Batman Begins for that matter).

But The Dark Knight is special. And it is that film that makes me think DC can still find a way to make things right. Batman has seen the highs and lows of big screen adaptations, yet every outing has something enjoyable about it (well, maybe not 1997’s Batman & Robin).

With most of these characters, there are decades of stories from which to draw. Yet, it all comes back to story, and somehow all those decades aren’t enough. If the story and character issues get fixed, every other issue can be overcome.

Next. 100 greatest superhero stories. dark

It won’t be about reacting to criticism or dealing with an unhappy actor, it will just be about these enduring characters. The Marvel movies should be pushing DC to do better. Competition breeds excellence. It is time for the DCEU to get ahead of the game and nail these big screen adaptations. Easier said than done, but they’ve done it before – so, just go do it again.