That time of the year again: The top ten comic books of 2018!
By Alex Widen
Image by Fright Comics
2. Captives No. 4
Easily the sleeper title on the list! One of two titles sold by small publisher Fright Comics, it continues to deliver on a tale which mixes fantasy with horror! A motley group of heroes, thieves, warriors, and a wizard have entered a mythical labyrinth in search of riches and a princess. Yet, things are more than they seem, as the castle is a world unto itself, willing to test their very bodies, minds, and souls! Just who will survive, and who will become the latest victim?
Writer and creator Alexander Banchitta teams with artist Robert Ahmad to craft an utterly amazing and unpredictable fantasy tale in stunning black and white art. Ahmad, in particular, has a style which automatically seems as classic as artwork from Sal Buscema or even Walt Simonson! And while the entire cast of characters are riveting, the bandit king, Tor the Wicked, comes close to stealing every panel he is in!
Finally, this series is among the most economical out there! Entire issues with more than 20 story pages each can be had via their website or ComiXology for between $1-$2 a pop! Fans who want a break from superheroes or even from many of the usual genres in comics should check this out. It offers a sword and sorcery yarn which is nothing like what readers may expect from it!