That time of the year again: The top ten comic books of 2018!

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Image by Marvel Comics

6. Runaways No. 5-16

Long before Kamala Khan was a twinkle in anyone’s eye, the Runaways were the edgy kids within the Marvel Universe ,who combined the imagination of a creator owned title within an established Marvel Universe. Yet after original writer Brian K. Vaughn left the series, it struggled to maintain quality and consistency, despite talented writers coming in after — including Joss Whedon and Terry Moore. Yet after a few years of rest, new writer Rainbow Rowell has been firing on all cylinders.

Mostly drawn by the exceptional Kris Anka, the team has reassembled out of a sense of nostalgia and a lack of anywhere else to go. They’ve tried to expand their family, but that has proven difficult. Former Power Pack founder Lightspeed wanted to support her lover Karolina, but it didn’t work out. Victor’s old teammate Doombot may fare better. Unfortunately, team traitor Alex Wilder is back, and he’s brought trouble behind him. In addition, Nico learns more about her magic staff!

Rowell understands that Runaways was never a superhero book. It is a book about wonderfully strange teenagers who happen to have super powers or strange origins who don’t get along with anyone else but each other. That often is a source of conflict, but also strength as well. In addition, Anka is producing some of the best art of his career on this book, and it shows in every panel. It was impossible to ignore this series in 2018, and it’s great to have it back in Marvel’s catalog.