We have no idea what the former CIA man is working on, because it’s a secret, but if Heroes in Crisis is any indication then Tom King’s TV project will kick butt.
If Heroes in Crisis is any indication, one thing is for damn sure: Whatever Tom King’s super secret TV project is, it’s going to be awesome. And if it’s available to stream all at once, let’s say, so much the better. The man knows how to build suspense in the most delicious way.
Batman writer Tom King has been hinting about a secret TV project on his social media for a while now, with clandestine trips to Los Angeles to meet with Hollywood people.
Whatever this secret TV project is, we’re here for it.
(I like to imagine the former CIA man meeting Hollywood executives in a darkened corner of some dive bar on Sunset Boulevard, but that might just be me)
(I think it is just me, because this is a pretty swank and non-darkened-corner of a posh Hollywood hotel)
Up early to fly west for secret TV meetings. Secretly psyched! And a bit secretly tired.
— Tom King (@TomKingTK) December 3, 2018
The famous pool at my secret hotel. You can feel the movie star history. Like Sinatra got really mad at so many people here.
— Tom King (@TomKingTK) December 4, 2018
(I’m ignoring the “no writers allowed” sign, may soon be arrested.) pic.twitter.com/sNlqkdLM6y
There’s a lot of grumbling going around about Heroes in Crisis and whether it’s going anywhere despite it only being in its fourth issue of a nine-issue run. Heroes in Crisis, a superhero murder mystery pet project between King, artist Clay Mann and colorist Tomeu Morey, revolves around a place called the Sanctuary. It’s supposed to be a place where superheroes can heal from the PTSD and trauma of their jobs, but after a string of murders it’s anything but peaceful.
Stories of this magnitude requires a foundation before the earth can start shaking. We’re getting little bits and pieces with each issue of Heroes in Crisis, and with five issues left that tension must continue building until the very end.
Now, imagine all of that in a television series.
Or a streaming series that releases early so that those of us who can’t wait until Christmas to open our presents can have the instant gratification of watching the entire series all at once.
King’s work on Batman, Mister Miracle and The Sheriff of Babylon are examples of his masterful storytelling, and seeing his work come to life onscreen is something to look forward to given his work to date.
Keep an eye on King’s social media for more updates on his super secret TV project. Heroes in Crisis #4 is available now at your local comic shop.