Comic book storylines we won’t see in Netflix’s Marvel shows

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Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics

Orson Randall the Iron Fist

Iron Fist’s show didn’t get great reviews in season one. However, the problems that people had like the show being too long and not having a strong villain were fixed in season 2. Too bad that it may have been too little too late for anything to be done about it.

The season 2 finale showed a lot of promise. First, we saw Colleen Wing manifest the power of the Iron Fist through her sword. Second, Danny Rand regained his power and channeled it through two guns. Something comic book fans will remember seeing from Orson Randall. Orson was also the person Danny was looking for in the season 2 finale.

During the Rhode Island Comic Con, actor Finn Jones (who played Danny Rand) said that he saw the suit he was going to wear and it resembled the same costume that Orson Randall wore in the comics. Complete with belt straps and gun holsters. With this being the costume they were going with and the mention of Orson in the finale, it’s a shame we won’t get to see him.

In the comics, Orson taught Danny all sorts of new tricks. For example, Danny could use the power of the Iron Fist to heal himself faster and hypnotize people like a Jedi mind trick. This would have been an amazing season and possibly the one that put Iron Fist in the good graces of fans.