Avengers: Blade is an unlikely teammate but he isn’t the first unexpected member

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Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics


Once upon a time, Wolverine was not someone you’d think would be an Avenger. He didn’t take orders well and questioned everything. As time went on, he became more open-minded. He and Cyclops became friends for a while, he started listening more, and he didn’t see the need to use violence to solve every problem. Fast forward to 2004 and the Avengers disbanded (Avengers Disassembled).

Fate brought a new team of Avengers together and then brought them to Wolverine. When their first mission was over, Tony Stark asked Wolverine to join them. He told Cap that he was the one piece their team was missing. Wolverine accepted. At first he was a part-time Avenger that eventually spent a lot of time with them.

Captain America and Logan have had issues since World War 2 when Logan was forced to work for Hydra (and eventually turned on them). Ever since then, Cap has had his reservations about him. He even told Logan that the Avengers would never have him. After a while, Steve Rogers and Logan became friends. It took a lot of patience from them both, but it ended up working out for the both of them. Wolverine also became Luke Cage’s right-hand man on Luke’s Avengers.