The Arrowverse has gifted us with countless couplings over the years, but which of these star-crossed lovers are the best that its had to offer?
When the Arrowverse kicked off with the introduction of Arrow in 2012, it was all about introducing us to emotionally scarred vigilantes and their efforts to right some wrongs, overcome evil and ultimately save their respective cities. However, as these characters are, first and foremost, human beings (well, most of them at least), it was only a matter of time before they fell in love – and fall in love, they did.
Over the years, we have seen countless romantic pairings from the Arrowverse. From childhood sweethearts to time-displaced lovers, there has been just about every type of couple imaginable, making viewers ultimately fall in love with their love. But which of these heartfelt relationships touched our hearts the most? Which of them are truly worthy of our love? And which of them ultimately reign supreme above the rest.
With all that in mind, prepare yourself for a romantic trip down memory lane, as we walk with you, hand-in-hand, back through the Arrowverse’s 20 collective seasons and 300 plus episodes to determine which of its couples are the cream of the crop.
Let’s find out which one truly was the greatest ship that ever sailed.