Marvel’s cancelled Netflix shows may have interest from Hulu

With many fans still mourning the loss of many Marvel Netflix programs, new hope arises as Hulu expresses interest to pick up Marvel’s  Cancelled Netflix shows.

This news that Hulu may bring on Marvel’s cancelled Netflix shows comes from Craig Erwich, the senior vice president of Hulu original programs. In a recent Television Critics Association conference, Erwich said:

"“Marvel has a ton of titles we’d be interested in. It kind of just depends on when they’re ready, [and] who, most importantly, is going to be behind these things.”"

While this is a long way from saying that shows like Daredevil can find a new home on Hulu, there are a few pretty good reasons to hope that the Marvel shows we’ve come to love can find new life on a new streaming service.

The main reason behind this would be that Disney will own a majority stake of Hulu after the Disney-Fox merger is complete. Which makes it pretty easy to reason that Disney will be making good use of such a popular asset.

With shows like Runaways and four new Marvel animated series coming to Hulu soon, it’s clear that the streaming service is more than willing to take on new Marvel related content.

The secondary reason is that while Disney has plans to release its own streaming service soon, in the form of Disney Plus, there have already been a few new MCU shows announced that may take up their attention for the immediate future.

As Erwich suggested, it really is up to Disney whether or not they would give Hulu the chance to pick up Marvel’s cancelled Netflix shows, but knowing that the streaming service is willing to at all gives a profound hope toward the potential revival of the many shows we’ve come to know.

With only The Punisher and Jessica Jones, currently, being the only shows left, having a new outlet on an equally popular service seems rather viable.