Riverdale: 20 most shocking moments during the first three seasons

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Riverdale — “Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Hills Have Eyes” — Image Number: RVD214a_0056.jpg — Pictured (L-R): Cody Kearsley as Moose and Emilija Baranac as Midge — Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW — © 2018 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.

4. Midge Is Killed By The Black Hood

Episode: “Chapter Thirty-One: A Night to Remember” (Season 2, Episode 18)

The musical episode of Riverdale was undoubtedly the high point of the show’s second season. With an abundance of musical numbers that showcased the cast’s immense talent and the Carrie-themed musical actually complementing the show’s multiple storylines to perfection, “A Night To Remember” served as the perfect backdrop for the reintroduction of the season’s main villain.

The episode highlighted many of the increasing tensions between the high school musical’s various cast members, all of which was made worse by the death threats that leading lady Cheryl Blossom had apparently received from the thought-to-be-dead Black Hood (this would later turn out to be a hoax by disgruntled student Ethel Muggs). It was a turbulent production that eventually overcame its issues and set the stage (pun intended) for an unforgettable performance. However, as great as all of that was, it was merely building towards a jaw-dropping finale.

As the opening scene of the musical played out in front of the audience, the staging lifted up to reveal Midge Klump (who had taken Cheryl’s place in the lead role) stabbed to death and pinned to the wall with a bloody warning pasted on it. It left us and the audience unsure as to whether or not this was part of the evening’s bloody show. But when Alice broke character to scream in horror, we all knew that this was no show.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and, quite frankly, this moment said more than anyone’s words ever could – it summed up the painful truth that all the characters had to accept. The town’s brief reprieve was over and the residents of Riverdale had to panic once more because, in that moment, they knew that the Black Hood had returned – and what a chilling return it was.