MCU: 15 Marvel movies that need to happen after Avengers: Endgame

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Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics

5. Norman Osborn

Norman Osborn is a crucial part of the Spider-Man mythos. He’s responsible for the death of Gwen Stacy (who Peter Parker may have loved more than Mary Jane). He had Peter’s Aunt May kidnapped and held in a coma-like state in a grave (Marvel Knights Spider-Man), and even went as far as putting a fake Spider-Man on his Dark Avengers team.

Norman goes out of his way to make Peter and Spider-Man’s life a living Hell. It didn’t change after the events of One More Day. Spider-Man: Homecoming didn’t mention Norman and Spider-Man: Far from Home isn’t using him as a villain. This is a phenomenal idea.

Norman Osborn isn’t a character that should be rushed. Pushing for him too soon could ruin what would be a classic rivalry in the movies. Even after Spider-Man, Norman should be a major player. In the comics, Norman went on to be one of the most powerful men in the world. He ran H.A.M.M.E.R. (Norman’s version of S.H.I.E.L.D.) and his own Avengers. Norman could be a villain whose evil spreads across the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He may be a crazy man who has a tendency to lose control due to the Goblin serum running through his veins, but that’s just part of his charm. Like Karla Sofen, Norman Osborn could send the MCU into a new direction where villains are evil and not likable.