Hawkeye-Kate Bishop series with Jeremy Renner reportedly coming to Disney Plus

Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye is coming to Disney Plus in a new series, and the famed archer won’t be alone.

As reported on by Variety, Disney sources have revealed that the next Marvel limited series in development for Disney’s upcoming streaming service is none other than Hawkeye, starring Jeremy Renner. Variety described the series as being set in the adventure genre, and along the way, Clint Barton will pass the torch of Hawkeye onto a newly introduced character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Kate Bishop. Other Marvel limited series in development for Disney Plus include series centered on Loki, Vision & Scarlet Witch, and Bucky Barnes & Sam Wilson.

News surrounding the idea that Kate Bishop is officially going to be joining the MCU is an exciting prospect because she’s been a staple of the Hawkeye mythos for several years now, and arguably more popular. Recently, speculation occurred regarding whether or not Bishop would appear in Avengers: Endgame due to one shot in a recent teaser, so it’s great to have a near confirmation that she’s going to be in the MCU.

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Near confirmation is the optimum word choice at this point, though, because according to Variety, Disney, Marvel, and representatives for Renner have refused to comment, which usually means there’s truth in the report.

But with Hawkeye venturing into the world of television, this would be a great opportunity to adapt Matt Fraction and David Aja’s fantastic run on the character. Said run handles both Clint Barton and Kate Bishop extremely well and essentially hands the torch from Clint to Kate as the main Hawkeye of the Marvel Universe.

With the continuity of the MCU and its version of Clint Barton, this wouldn’t be a one-to-one adaptation, but it’s still very much adaptable and could play almost as a noir comedy. And if Kate is received well in this series, then there’s a possibility to continue with her story by adapting Kelly Thompson’s excellent run on Hawkeye, as well as West Coast Avengers.