15 X-Men stories Marvel should adapt for the MCU

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Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics

15. God Loves, Man Kills

While this is one of the older X-Men stories, it’s one of the deepest. Unfortunately, we live in a world full of hate. Skin color, creed, place of birth, and other differences are used on a regular basis  as poor excuses to fight and wage wars. This story sheds a light on these issues.

Mutants are looked at as something other than human. Reverend William Stryker added fuel to the fire of this hatred by making it a religious thing as well by saying things like mutants are spawns of Satan that should be killed. This movie could be both a statement to the world and a good story. X2: X-Men United took a shot at this and did an amazing job. This series is so good it deserves a reboot in the MCU.

The title God Loves, Man Kills is enough to draw attention. This may seem to heavy for a movie, but the X-Men comic books have never shied away from touchy subjects. The movies should follow suit and this is the perfect movie to get it all started. A man of god who kills his child because he’s a mutant and his wife for giving birth to him may be too intense for a Disney movie, but it could be implied and not shown. Stryker also gives the audience a real villain to hate.