The Pull List: Comic books you should read this week (April 17, 2019)

There are a lot of comic books that come out every week, and it can be hard to try to navigate the waters to try to find something new, or for a first time reader, try to find a good starting point.

This week’s picks are all series who have been picked before, which speaks to how strong these comic books have been. These are good starting points to pick up all these books, or they are coming to a close so you can catch up.

Credit to DC Comics and cover artist Yanick Paquette

Batman No. 69

Writer: Tom King

Artist: Yanick Paquette

The Knightmares storyline, for better or worse, is coming to an end with Batman No. 69. Batman has now been in a drugged up coma, forcing him to relieve some of the most dramatic, traumatic moments in his life through some very lucid and realistic dreams. Knightmares has been incredibly surreal, and Batman No. 69 is being teased the most “strangest (issue) yet,” which should make readers extremely excited for what is to come after Batman comes out of his drugged coma. A big confrontation versus Bane is on the horizon, and this next issue should set the tone for that.

American Carnage No. 6

Writer: Bryan Hill

Artist: Leandro Fernandez

The only surviving Vertigo book left from their release last year, American Carnage is proving to be the next classic book from DC’s line for more mature reading. Richard, the old FBI informant who went undercover with a dangerous white supremacist group, is in too deep and doesn’t know where to go. In American Carnage No. 6, the readers will find out if Richard can either gain control of the situation that has spun out of control or if he will be too far gone into the dark world of domestic terrorism.

Credit to Marvel comics and cover artist

Avengers: No Road Home No. 10

Writers: Al Ewing, Mark Waid, Jim Zub

Artist: Sean Izaakse

The surprisingly good Avengers: No Road Home is unfortunately coming to an end this week, as the heroes try to stop Nyx from recreating the Marvel universe, as well as try to find their way back home. It’s always really interesting when a Marvel decides to put together an Avengers team with unlikely characters and see how that dynamic works and works against them in an adventure. They are also teasing the death of an Avenger, which is always reason enough to read an issue, even though no character ever really stays dead in comic books. Unless your uncle Ben.

Assassin Nation No. 2

Writer: Kyle Starks

Artist: Erica Henderson

There was a very promising start to the Assassin Nation series, so it’s going to be very interesting where the rest of the series takes us, starting with issue No. 2. Writer Kyle Starks and artist Erica Henderson made some room for character development as they killed off so many characters off in issue one, that they narrowed it down to the characters who will matter, at least in the first arc. From the sounds of it, don’t get too attached to a character, as they will probably kill them off, Game of Thrones style.

War of Realms No. 2

Writer: Jason Aaron

Artist: Russell Dauterman

In what is shaping to be one of Marvel’s most unique major events, The War of the Realms, the Marvel heroes are teaming up as the Malekith’s war finally reached New York City. This event has been teased for a long time now, and Jason Aaron’s writing and Russell Dauterman’s art has left comic book readers intrigued to see where this goes.