Supergirl season 4, episode 18 review: Crime and Punishment


Supergirl returns with the titular hero facing a world that despises her. With the help of Lena Luthor, the Girl of Steel hunts for Lex, while the DEO face off against Ben Lockwood.

Lex Luthor (Jon Cryer) instigated the Red Daughter’s attack on the White House in the previous episode of Supergirl, and now, the real Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) is facing the repercussions. With an arrest warrant out on her, the Girl of Steel’s only allies are her friends. She and Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath) decide to investigate Lex’s cell on Stryker’s Island, while Alex Danvers (Chyler Leigh) has to stave off an ambush at the DEO by the Secretary of Alien Affairs, Ben Lockwood (Sam Witwer).

Lena and Supergirl’s Investigation

Lena and Supergirl find Lex’s endless journals in his cell, but all it does is wreak emotional havoc on Lena. Lex is, as Lena so accurately points out in this episode, “a consummate gaslighter.” And that is the theme for both Lena and Supergirl’s journey in ‘Crime and Punishment’. They doubt themselves at every turn, especially Supergirl, who is confronted by a Snowden-esque inmate named Steve (Willie Garson).

Supergirl — “Crime and Punishment” — Image Number: SPG418a_0118r.jpg — Pictured (L-R): Willie Garson as Steve (center) and Melissa Benoist as Kara/Supergirl (right) — Photo: Bettina Strauss/The CW — © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Steve’s crippling indictment of Supergirl’s privilege as a caped hero hits the Girl of Steel hard. Yet the writers wait till Kara has enough reasons to make her own choices about her future as a superhero. Meanwhile, Lena is able to overcome her personal misgivings to uncover some of Lex’s secrets. These are all important ways to ensure the women of the show have as much agency in their lives as possible. And it leads to Kara catching a break in her investigation, so a win for her all the same.

James Olsen’s Recovery

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After James Olsen (Mehcad Brooks) was shot on Lex’s orders, and then saved by Lena’s Harun-El, he has struggled to recover. After breaking down in front of his psychiatrist sister, Kelly (Azie Tesfai), James agrees to see a therapist who Kelly recommends.

James’ therapy session was brilliantly acted, especially by Brooks, who so accurately captured the gamut of emotions that a person suffering from PTSD may go through. The writers must also be commended for their sympathetic portrayal of the devastating after-effects of the attack on James.

But as many viewers would have speculated, James’ PTSD is only part of the problem. How will he deal with the other half of his problems?

The DEO’s Moral Dilemmas

The DEO have helped many aliens over the course of the show, as well as apprehended those who have been a danger to the citizens of National City. Now, though, these brave soldiers must face an even greater threat – their own government.

The moral quandaries that Alex, Colonel Haley (April Parker Jones), and Brainiac-5 (Jesse Rath) are confronted by in this episode of Supergirl are all apt analogies for the real world. Brainy’s mission to delete the alien registry from the DEO systems would have been a simple decision on most other shows, but here, Brainy must also weigh the consequences of his actions and assess whether they will lead to worse repercussions for aliens.

The most outstanding moment of this episode was Colonel Haley re-evaluating her moral compass, given the change in the government’s stance. Serving her country has been Haley’s life’s work, but can she be complicit in President Baker and Ben Lockwood’s obviously prejudiced agendas? Haley’s character arc this season has been outstanding. She could easily have been just another big, bad boss, but the writers have turned her into a complex and compelling character.

Super Sentiments

  • Hallway fight scene alert! Ever since Daredevil brought hallway fight scenes to the mainstream, they have been popping up in every show. Now Supergirl has added one to its list.
  • It is wonderful that James’ therapist, Dr. Parekh, in this episode is played by an actor of Indian origin. It’s easy to forget inclusivity with your supporting cast, but Supergirl continues to surprise even this late into the season.
  • Nia Nal (Nicole Maines) being a hero even without her powers is the kind of characterization everyone deserves. The fact that she does her heroing with a donut in hand is exactly why we all love her.

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One cannot reiterate this enough, but watching a group of women rally together to support each other and save the day is heartening to see. Supergirl, Lena, Alex, Nia, Haley and Kelly all work towards similar goals in this episode – that right there is why this show is a cut above the rest. The shocking decision made in the final moments of this episode is going to test all these women’s mettle. Are they up for the challenge?