Kate Bishop’s mom is a vampire in West Coast Avengers No. 10’s finale

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Guess Which Avengers Are Pairing Up!

Ramone manages to rescue Chavez, although she’s still weakened. After proposing a wild plan with Kid Omega, she manages to impale and incapacitate all of the vampires at once. It’s quite a feat for a heroine who just got super powers 15 minutes ago! Chavez recovers quickly and announces a place to get rid of the vampires, while trying to convince Quentin Quire that he should relish the fact that the entire team relies on his psychic powers to protect them.

From there, things go from spooky to wild and wacky. Chavez brings them all to “the shrimp dimension,” which is a world where giant shrimp rule the world. Then they return home to their headquarters, which has finally been completed! In exchange for airing their drama, a reality TV show promised to build it free of charge! And for the moment, everything has seemed to come along swimmingly. The team’s survived their third mission, and even gained two new members!

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As always, the TV interviews allow the cast to state their feelings and opinions bluntly, without it being too awkward. Clint is proud of the team and feels Kate is running them well. Gwenpool and Quentin are deciding to give their budding relationship a chance beyond mere lust. Chavez and Ramone are also growing closure due to their shared experiences. And as worried as Kate is over her mom, she’s almost more confused that both Fuse and Noh-Varr find each other attractive!

Image by Marvel Comics