The Incredible Hulk has been a fan favorite in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He’s been ruthless and he’s been funny. But what are his best moments?
More than a few actors have played the Hulk over the years. First, Lou Ferrigno played him from 1977-1982. Over 20 years later, Eric Bana played him and almost ruined the Hulk franchise for good. Thankfully, in 2008, Edward Norton took over and saved the franchise. Unfortunately, after a dispute with the studios, Norton was no longer the Hulk. This ended up being a blessing in disguise.
While Norton was a good Bruce Banner, Mark Ruffalo came in and gave moviegoers and comic book fans the Bruce Banner AND Hulk we deserved.
Mark Ruffalo was the soft-spoken and insecure Bruce Banner that we’ve seen in the comics. He even had a bit of a slouch. Little things like that made him the perfect Bruce Banner. When he was the Hulk, he was perfect. The technology used to make him that Hulk showed that he had Hulk’s facial expressions on point. Seeing him as Ruffalo yelling and growling was perfect.
Over the years, the Hulk in the MCU has had more than a few great moments. It could be argued that he had most of the best moments in the Avengers movies. To hit the point home, without Hulk, Thor: Ragnarok wouldn’t have been as good. That said, what were the best Hulk moments in the MCU?