Avengers: Endgame: 5 most shocking moments from the film

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Marvel Studios’ AVENGERS: ENDGAME..L to R: Nebula (Karen Gillan) and Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans)..Photo: Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2019

2. Mjolnir’s Loyalties

Way back in Avengers: Age of Ultron, the Avengers tried to lift Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir. The only one who came close to nudging it was Steve Rogers, Captain America. Speculation ran rife over whether Steve had truly not been worthy, or if he had given up the challenge to save his colleague some blushes. Well, in Endgame, we find out the truth.

Following some temporal gymnastics, Thor is able to get Mjolnir back. In the final battle between the Avengers and Thanos’ army, the Titan has Thor on the ropes when Mjolnir flies out of reach and into the hands of…Steve Rogers. Thor’s exultant ‘I knew it!’ echoes that of every fan. Without a doubt, there were whoops of joy and loud applause in every theatre screening the film. In the comics, Steve has been considered worthy on occasion, and thus wielded the hammer of the gods.

Thor, of course, prefers Stormbreaker, referring to his beloved Mjolnir as “the tiny one.” Steve not only wields Mjolnir with a deft hand, but the tag team between Steve and Thor is a throwback to the New York battle in the first Avengers film.

It’s great that Steve gets to keep Mjolnir for a while. We see him taking it along on his final mission to return the Infinity Stones to their original locations. Our guess is he had to return the hammer to Asgard, but one can only imagine Mjolnir getting pride of place on his mantle for a little while. Which brings us to…