The X-Men mourn a friend and can’t remember Emma Frost

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X-Men, Image Source: Comixology Digital Comics

The X-Men mourn another dead family member.

The X-Men aren’t strangers to death. Over the years they’ve seen more dead friends than they’d like to remember. Just recently over 90 percent of the X-Men died in a fight with X-Man (who are actually in another dimension unbeknownst to them).

However, this one seemed to hit them harder. Rhane Sinclair was one of the few pure souls in the world. All she wanted to do was spread happiness in the world and she was taken from them too soon. What’s even worse was as she was being beaten to death, she didn’t fight back. She could have easily defended herself or even killed her attackers, but she didn’t. She just wanted to be normal

Many people in the world want that as well. When you’re looked at as less than because of your race, creed, or sexual preference, you feel normal because you are. Unfortunately, other people may not see it that way. This may not have been the purpose of Matthew Rosenberg’s story, but we all interpret art differently. This was a deep moment. Maybe one of the most in the last few years of the X-Men.

Image Source: Comixology Digital Comics

We all grieve differently

Wolverine is sitting a bar drinking in a dirty tank top (that’s how Logan grieves). Cyclops tells him to get changed and shower. He says to Logan that this isn’t about him. It’s for everyone else. Logan puts on a suit, but he wasn’t going to the funeral. He was going to find the people who killed Rhane.

When Logan found them, he asked Kannon to show him what happened. He sees that Rhane was beaten to death and didn’t even fight back. This set Logan off. He tosses Rhane’s murderers a bag of weapons and tells them to fight back. Just as they’re about to fight, the O*N*E* bust through the door to prevent Logan from “Killing innocent civilians” As expected, Logan was happy to send all of them to their graves.

At the funeral, the X-Men give heartfelt speeches on who Rhane was to them. Madrox’s was beautiful. “In a world that teaches hate, she learned to love. In a world full of fear, she found hope.” He finished by saying, “This world didn’t deserve her.” Watching the X-Men rattle of the plethora of names of dead friends and family was heartbreaking. So many of their family members were taken from them too soon. The sad part is, this is probably only the beginning.