‘City at War’ begins with a stab in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles No. 93

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Spoiler Shields Up!

The awkwardness of Casey talking to his ex with his new beau within visual range is quickly overshadowed by danger. Despite Baxtor Stockman’s vaulted robotic security, Karai was able to get within range undetected. She’s sent a message to Jennika via arrow, asking for a meeting alone. Is it a last ditch effort at a truce, or a trap to take out the Foot Clan’s second-in-command? While the Turtles nor their mutant allies are thrilled, Jennika agrees to give it a chance.

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At the meeting, Karai at least seems to give Jennika more of a chance than she gave Puzorelli. Karai notes that Jennika was once a member of Shredder’s personal assassins and among their most loyal supporters. While she’s disgusted by Splinter, she sees Jennika as an old ally who could help her rebuild her version of the Foot. Jennika notes that while she’s still loyal to the Foot, she isn’t the person she once was and that she considers Splinter a more honorable master than Saki.

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There’s no way around the spoiler here; Karai doesn’t take rejection well, and things get violent. Yet even this scene is inspired by previous comic book history, and mirrors it. The scene of Jennika being stabbed by Karai mirrors that of Casey being stabbed by the Shredder early in “City Fall,” clearly intended to parallel how Karai is becoming much like the Shredder. Going back even further, it’s inspired by the scene in 1981’s Daredevil No. 181 where Elektra is run through by Bullseye.

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