Nebula: The most underrated character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

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Marvel Studios’ AVENGERS: ENDGAME..Nebula (Karen Gillan)..Photo: Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2019

Why Nebula should be appreciated more than she is in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

There has been criticism about all-female fight scene in Avengers: Endgame. But, who cares? The scene was awesome and it showed the world that Marvel Studios is taking women representation in their projects serious. There are a lot of women in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that will be focused on in the future. We know Captain Marvel will lead the charge moving forward. Shuri and Okoye have become fan favorites and looked at as role models. There’s one character that seems to get overlooked. The daughter of Thanos, Nebula.

Nebula came into the MCU as an unknown character with a tragic story. She was kidnapped from her home planet by Thanos. She was then raised to be a warrior, his daughter and the sister of Gamora. Whenever she lost a fight to Gamora, Thanos removed a body part and replaced it with machinery. As of now, Nebula may be more mech than organic.

Despite the fact Thanos was the one torturing her, Gamora was the one who inherited Nebula’s resentment. As time went on, she became more than that. No longer was she just the angry sister of Gamora. Nebula became one of the deepest characters in the MCU.