Actors who’ve played more than one comic book character

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Arrow — “So It Begins” — Image AR506a_BTS_0246b.jpg — Pictured: Dolph Lundgren as Konstantin Kovar — Photo: Katie Yu/The CW — © 2016 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Dolph Lundgren

Say what you will about Dolph Lundgren, but the man has had a long career dating back to 1985. He made his big debut in 1985 in Rocky IV where he played the Russian boxer Ivan Drago,  a character that has more than a few iconic lines and deliveries. He’s consistently gotten work ever since.

In 2018, he played his third comic book character when he played King Nereus in Aquaman. Before that, he played two comic book characters. Roles people won’t let him forget about.

First, in 1987, Dolph Lundgren played He-Man in Masters of the Universe. He can’t be blamed for the movie being bad. It was the ’80s, and almost every action movie was exactly like this one. On a side note, Frank Langella (Skeletor) was able to give the most underrated performances in a comic book movie. What Lundgren did next is unforgivable.

In 1989, he starred in the first Punisher movie. To say it was bad would be giving it credit. At times, it was uncomfortable to watch. There’s a scene where Frank is meditating naked in the sewer asking why his family died, an image many will likely never get out of their head. However, there is a scene when a goon asked who he was and Lundgren said Batman. That scene alone almost makes that movie forgivable. At least it wasn’t as bad as David Hasselhoff in Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.