MCU: 25 most heartbreaking Marvel Cinematic Universe character deaths
Marvel Studios’ AVENGERS: ENDGAME..Hawkeye/Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner)..Photo: Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2019
21. Hawkeye’s family
Movie it happened in: Avengers: Endgame
Why it was so heartbreaking: At the very beginning of Avengers: Endgame, we finally got to see how Hawkeye was pulled back into the fight. We knew something had to happen to his family. The question was whether all had gone or just the children had gone, so Hawkeye’s wife would be pulled in too.
In the end, we found out that his three children and wife were taken away. But we got to see Thanos’ snap in the way that everyone else around the world would have. While the Avengers and everyone working with them would have known the threat if Thanos got to snap his fingers, most of the world would have been going about their days as normal.
Hawkeye was just living out his house arrest with his family. He was teaching his daughter to shoot arrows while getting ready for the meal his wife was making. It was supposed to be just a normal day. And then suddenly, he was all alone.
There was ash left behind, which we all knew to be the ash from the disappearances. However, Hawkeye wouldn’t have known any of this. As a parent, losing your child causes unimaginable pain, but losing them like this was just darn heartbreaking for Hawkeye.
It was made all the worse when he went on his vendetta. As he was grieving over the loss of four innocent lives, he hated the fact that criminals were allowed to live. You can understand why he went on a killing spree around the world.