Deadpool comics stories with instant money-making potential as movies
By Mark Lynch
Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics
Burnt Offering
When Cable swallowed Deadpool, he gained some of these healing powers and abilities. This plus his telepathy and telekinesis getting stronger, Cable wanted to help the world. He created a floating island (held up by his telekinesis) and invited the best and brightest people of the world to join him. The goal was for them to work together to create a better world. That wasn’t all.
Cable made an effort to stop war. in the middle of this run, Cable gave the world a message. He told them he’d take all the world’s weapons and throw them in the sun if they didn’t destroy them. This made every world leader very nervous. Luckily, the X-Men hired Deadpool to steal parts of a machine that would shut Cable down. What the X-Men (and Cable) didn’t know was that Wade believed in what Cable was doing and eventually turned on them.
This leads to a great relationship between Cable and Deadpool. One where they become friends for a short time and do some good. This is after Wade almost kills Cable because Cable asks him to. This could lead to two possible endings. One creates future buddy movies starring Cable and Deadpool. The other leaves Wade as a pariah in the world. With everyone upset that Cable was trying to save the world, all they’d see is Deadpool killing him not knowing he was doing what his friend asked.