Spider-Man: Life Story No. 4: The Clone Saga remixed

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Stillanerd’s Nerdy Nitpicks (with some fly spoilers)

  • “I thought you were some shameful relative.” Doesn’t the fact that Ben bears more than a passing resemblance to your step-nephew, Otto, that he was probably more than just a relative? Still, you were in mourning and have poor eyesight, so you get a pass.
  • Didn’t this version of Ben Reilly keep the Parker surname at the end of Life Story No. 2? What made him decide to adopt the Reilly surname? Also, what happened to his wife, Helen, the Gwen Stacy clone? Don’t tell me she fell off a bridge sometime in last twenty years.
  • Tony Stark helped to end World War III?! Granted, it was done through black market weapon deals, which would also make him this world’s equivalent of Charlie Wilson. It wouldn’t be surprising if it’s because of Tony’s war profiteering to stop the Russians that resulted in the arming of Osama Bin Laden, which, in turn, leads to this world’s version of the September 11th terrorist attacks.
  • Also, how is it that no one, including Peter, still haven’t figured out that Tony is Iron Man?
  • Hey, Glory Grant’s Peter’s assistant at Parker Industries. It makes you wonder, though, what happened to J. Jonah Jameson, though, as we haven’t seen him since issue No. 1.
  • Really? Peter’s in a relationship with Jessica Jones? I suppose it makes sense seeing as she’s a former classmate of Peter’s according to official continuity. But wouldn’t it make way more sense if it was Felicia Hardy/Black Cat? After all, she, too, had a stint as a private investigator, and that was during the 1990s to boot.
  • “I thought he retired down to Florida…” First off, Pete, you do remember that you also fought him back in the 1984 on Battleworld, right? Second, why even assume he retired to Florida? Is that what you think all aged New Yorkers do?
  • Oh hi, Harry Osborn! I’m sure Peter’s wondering where you’ve been for the past twenty years? Really, Pete? You have no questions about where Harry has been this whole time? Okay, moving on then.
  • Interesting how Ben takes Doc Ock’s findings completely at face value when, in the actual “Clone Saga,” he and Peter figured it out for themselves. Also, notice just how calm Peter is about all this compared to how he reacted when he “found out” he was the clone.
  • “…if I did know, I wouldn’t keep it from you.” And what ends up happening when Peter finds out that he’s actually the original and Ben’s the clone? He keeps that knowledge from Ben. So yeah, even though Peter didn’t know when Doc Ock gave them the results, he still ended up lying to Ben.
  • See, Pete? You missed the chance to reacquaint yourself with Harry. Now it’s too late. Although the the way Harry dies here makes for a nice inversion of Norman’s death at the end of “The Night Gwen Stacy Died.”
  • And Ben’s neck should snap from the way Peter catches him with his webbing right? Wait… it doesn’t? One would think the original Gwen Stacy would have something to say about that if she were still alive.
  • Hey Pete, does that information packet you gave Ben include how to run a business? After all, Ben has undergone completely different experiences from you, which may or may not include knowing the ins and outs of being the CEO of a billion dollar company. Sheeh, first you lie to him about him being the real Peter, then you don’t fully prepare him. Some “brother” you are.
  • Oh, Ben’s wearing a blue hoodie when he pulls out his “Scarlet Spider” mask. Clever.
  • Okay, in this issue, Peter catches a bus, lifts a car, intimidates a biker by lifting his chopper, and catches a goblin glider moving towards him at full speed. For somebody who’s gotten weaker with age, he sure doesn’t seem to show it.
  • This may sound a bit heartless, but the way Norman Osborn dies here couldn’t be more gratifying. Sure, his son’s dead, but dying from a heart attack after failing to kill his archenemy? Talk about getting his just desserts.
  • I’m just trying to imagine the conversation Peter has with Mary Jane at the end of this issue. “Hey, MJ. I’ve given up being Spider-Man for the kids like you wanted. Only, I also gave my identity to Ben, which means I’m now unemployed, and have no work or credit history to speak of. Hope you’ve saved all those alimony payments. Speaking of which, let’s get remarried!”

Next. Spider-Man: Life Story No. 3: A very different Black Suit Saga. dark

Next time, Peter Parker reaches the new millennium. The question is, what year will it be?  Also, do you think Peter made the right decision here? Yes, he’s back with his family, but he’s also left Ben to pick up all the slack. Speaking of which, do you think Ben will die as Spider-Man? Will Stark take over Parker Industries? And what about Kraven, who’s been bonded with Venom? Finally, what do you think of this series now that it’s two-thirds of the way done?