Arrow Season 8: 10 characters who need to return for Arrow’s final season

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Arrow — “Lian Yu” — Image AR523b_0534b.jpg — Pictured: Josh Segarra as Adrian Chase — Photo: Dean Buscher /The CW — © 2017 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

9. Adrian Chase/Prometheus

Oliver’s past sins caught up with him in Season 5 when the son of one of his long-dead victims emerged with a deadly vendetta that promised to turn the Green Arrow’s life upside down – and considering what he’d been through in the past, that’s really saying something.

It’s impossible to praise Prometheus without mentioning just how badass he looked. He was clad in dark leather (like most of the show’s archers) and wore a grim-looking burlap mask which, quite frankly, was the most frightening thing to ever show up on the streets of Star City.

However, the most frightening thing about him was the reveal that he was really Oliver’s close friend, District Attorney Adrian Chase, because it meant that all of the expert planning had been done right under Oliver’s nose the whole time.

While Prometheus was undoubtedly the best villain that Arrow has produced since Deathstroke, there were still some plot holes here and there (he simply couldn’t have known everything). The thing is that Josh Segarra was just so damn good that it was easy to overlook any glaring issues with the character’s overall arc. And a performance that great simply can’t be overlooked by a season that will celebrate everything great the show produced.

While the character’s death obviously rules out any kind of physical return, the writers expertly managed to weave Segarra into a Season 6 episode through Oliver’s Vertigo-induced hallucination so fans are understandably holding out hope for Chase to make an equally creative return at some point in the final season.