It’s pronounced “Dee-Zeer!”
Crossovers are a fact of life at Marvel Comics; they change faster than the seasons. The previous volume of Champions spent arguably a third of its existence doing crossovers. Who says the 1990s are dead? At the very least, War Of The Realms has been simple enough that writers have been able to do their own stories within it. Any story can fit, so long as it has the title characters fight random Thor enemies. In this case, the Champions take on the horde of evil Valkyries called the Disir!
Image by Marvel Comics
The Valkyries of the Norse god Bor (Odin’s father), they became cursed after they began consuming the gods themselves. Existing as zombie warrior women, they were cursed to exist in a state of hunger forever. Created by Kieron Gillen and Niko Henrichon in 2010’s New Mutants No. 11, they were previously attached to both Mephisto and Loki. Unfortunately, in the years since, they’ve been “freed” of their hunger and now serve Hela, and currently look like blue-skinned models.
Image by Marvel Comics
Now almost indistinguishable from Kree or Atlantians, they plot to turn on Hela and side with Amora the Enchantress during this conquest of Earth. Since Amora’s busy fighting heroes of her own (like Captain Marvel), she’s tasked the Disir to lay waste to Sao Francisco Xavier, Brazil. Fortunately for the citizens of Brazil, the Champions have always seen themselves as more of an international force than a localized one, and Ms. Marvel leads a squad of her team in defense!
Image by Marvel Comics