Matching 50 MCU characters with each of the 50 states
By Mark Lynch
44. Ultron – Virginia
Virginia was the tenth state to join the Union on June 25, 1788, but the state has a more important historical fact.
The first colony in America was in Jamestown, Virginia way back in 1607. The first fraternity (Phi Beta Kappa Society) was also founded in Virginia on December 5,1776. Virginia has its share of historical facts, but they have something that has been crucial to this country. A majority of the country’s internet traffic runs through Virginia. They also have award-winning microbreweries in here as well. A nice balance of old and new.
If there was anywhere in the country that Ultron was going to settle down, it would be Virginia. He’s not coming for the hikes in the Saltwater Cowboys corralling up horses. He isn’t settling down because Virginia is for Lovers. He definitely not coming for the beer. Ultron is going to Virginia to suck up that sweet internet.
If 50 to 70 percent of the internet comes from Virginia, this will give Ultron all it needs. Being that connected to the information of the world would be the easiest way for it to take over by learning all of our secrets. Hopefully Ultron won’t hack my Twitter or iCloud in the process.