Matching 50 MCU characters with each of the 50 states
By Mark Lynch
5. Vulture – South Dakota
What’s something interesting about South Dakota? How about that is home to the largest sculptures in the world: Mount Rushmore.
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln all have their giant likenesses on display in South Dakota. Mount Rushmore has become the benchmark for rating things. “Who is the mount rushmore of…” usually means who are the four best in that specific genre. The project began in 1927 and completed in 1941. According to, Mount Rushmore gets over 2 million visitors a year. South Dakota is one of the three states where the rodeo in their official sport.
You may not see the connection between Adrian Toomes’ Vulture and Mount Rushmore. Especially since Vulture isn’t one of the greatest villains in the MCU. What they have in common is their purpose for being created.
South Dakota’s state historian Doane Robinson came up with the idea for Mount Rushmore in order to bring more tourists to South Dakota. More tourists equals more money for the state. Adrian Toomes was just a hard-working guy until a big company undercut him and took his job. He created the Vulture persona just to keep food on the table for his family.
Both Toomes and Doane Robinson wanted to provide. However, Doane Robinson may have gone about it better than the Vulture.