Do the Female Furies defeat Darkseid’s sexism in the final issue?
By Monita Mohan
Big Barda and the Female Furies have declared war on Darkseid and Apokolips, and they need the rest of the women on Apokolips to side with them in Female Furies No. 6. Spoilers for the series.
Female Furies No. 6 cover (Credit: DC Comics)
Female Furies, the standalone miniseries by Cecil Castellucci and Adriana Melo, delved into an aspect of the DC Universe heretofore unexplored – sexism and misogyny. Set in the fourth world, the storyline has detailed the rampant discrimination the female denizens of Apokolips face under Darkseid’s regime. The series has been poignant, a reflection of the current, and ongoing, climate in the world with regard to women, but it has occasionally faltered in the execution of delivering its core message.
Nothing about Female Furies has been an easy read, which is why its conclusion finally allows readers to breathe. It’s been a hard slog these past five issues. From watching the endless torture and assault that Aurelie suffered, to the blinkered responses she received from her fellow Furies, moving on to Barda’s central story revolving around her newfound love of Scott Free, the series has been blatant in its portrayal of a sexist society not dissimilar to our own.
The hardest part of reading the series was watching the women tear each other apart rather than bond over their mutual suffering. But all of that changes in the final issue of the series. Barda, who has been dragged back to Apokolips by her colleagues, was able to convince the Furies of their treatment at the hands of Darkseid and his council. Now that the Female Furies are once again on the same side, they want the rest of the women on Apokolips to join their fight and put an end to this oppressive regime. Do they succeed in Female Furies No. 6?