Spider-Man: Far From Home – The funniest moments from the film

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2. Peter Impresses… Brad?

Peter’s attempts to salvage his disastrous plane journey only compound his bad luck. He’s witnessed Brad hijack all his ideas to get close to MJ, so Peter needs to do something to get her attention.

At one point, Peter emerges from the washroom and sees MJ standing outside. Hoping to impress his love interest, Peter proceeds to bang the door shut in her face, clean up the entire place (sink and toilet included, because bathroom etiquette can be a deal breaker), and then tidy himself up, as well.

His routine takes so long that MJ just finds herself another stall to use. Not that Peter knows this. He emerges triumphant from the bathroom only to find…. Brad staring back at him, looking pleased as punch. MJ is nowhere in sight. You can almost see the air whoosh out of Peter’s sails at that moment. One can only imagine what MJ must have been thinking about what Peter was up to inside.

Peter’s misery is the audience’s gain though. This film is such a laugh riot because Holland authentically carries Peter’s youthful romantic ambitions so well. None more so than in this scene where everyone is having the best time except for Peter. That is one long flight!