Spider-Man: Far From Home – The funniest moments from the film

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Michelle (Zendaya) catches a ride from Spider-Man in Columbia Pictures’ SPIDER-MAN: ™ FAR FROM HOME.

5. MJ is Not a Happy Flyer

How many times have we seen this scene in films? The valiant hero swoops in to grab his girl, and they go swinging/flying across the city. He’s a show-off, and she’s having the time of her life. Isn’t it brilliant that Spider-Man: Far From Home flips the script on that trope?

Peter has spent the entire film trying to woo MJ and, thankfully, she not only responded in kind but revealed that she knew he was Spider-Man the whole time. What better way to celebrate their romantic union than by emulating the classic Spider-Man moment of the happy couple swinging above the city? Which is exactly what Peter does in the closing scenes of the film – he swings in to meet MJ for a date and carries her across the city to check out the sights.

Except, MJ hates every minute of it. She hangs on to Peter, desperate not to look down at the dizzying sights below. Her reaction is hilariously authentic and, once they land, MJ tells Peter she never wants to do that again.

In MJ’s defense, we can’t blame her. Spider-Man is in control of his swings and knows what he’s doing, she’s just a passenger and, for anyone who’s suffered motion sickness in the passenger seat, you will understand what poor MJ is feeling. It’s still hilarious, though. We especially love that MJ’s hair is wind-blown after the ordeal!