Marvel Netflix: Ranking the 10 best seasons of the entire run

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8. Jessica Jones season 2

One thing that can make or break a show is a villain. The hero needs a strong antagonist to battle. Without that, everything will fall flat. There’s nothing for our protagonist to overcome. This is what Jessica Jones season 2 struggled with. Jessica spent a chunk of the season trying to find out who and what gave her powers. This led to her finding her mother, who turned out to be almost as bad as Willis Stryker from Luke Cage. At least Janet McTeer (Jessica’s mother Alisa) was a better performer, and Jessica had a reason to protect her. It also didn’t help that there was much more Trish Walker than anyone wanted.

Despite all of that, Krysten Ritter was still amazing as Jessica Jones, so much so that she carried this season on her back with superhuman ability. Jessica was still the loudmouth and tough woman we’ve come to know and love and continued to grow as a character. Trish Walker may have been annoying, but she was supposed to be. Everything she did set up for her playing a bigger role in season 3. As cliché as this sounds, their relationship was never going to be the same again.