Batman: 15 greatest Batman movie villains of all time
By Mark Lynch
Photo Credit: Batman Returns/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc Image Acquired from DC Entertainment PR
3. Catwoman (Batman Returns)
Actor: Michelle Pfeiffer
Selina Kyle started off the movie as a very mouselike character. She was shy, timid, and afraid to speak up. Her bosses didn’t help the cause either. Then, Max Shreck pushed her out of a window for finding out his plans and she came back from the brink of death completely changed.
Selina would no longer bite her tongue or feel the need to be wanted or liked. She was going to take whatever she wanted. Her first night out as Catwoman she beat down a mugger. The victim tried to thank Catwoman, but Selina wasn’t hearing it. She replied “You make it so easy don’t you. Waiting for some Batman to save you. I am Catwoman: Hear me Roar” and backflipped away. Ladies and gentlemen, that is how you make an entrance.
Who would have thought that she’d be this good? She took the role of Catwoman and made it her own all while keeping the essence of the character. Both are incredibly important to a comic book role. She was intimidating, sexy, cunning, and gave everyone a reason to root for her.
Her chemistry on-screen with Michael Keaton made for incredible moments. The two mistletoe conversations were among some of the best. The first one was a well placed moment. It led to the second conversation and a phenomenal way to let each other know their true identities. In the end, when Catwoman finally got her chance for revenge and it was completely satisfying.
Memorable moment: Killing Max Shreck.