Thor 4: Which comic book stories would work in Taika Waititi’s new project?

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Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics

Beta Ray Bill

Like most superhero clashes, Beta Ray Bill and Thor met and fought due to nothing more than a misunderstanding. But out of nowhere, Bill grabbed Thor’s face and tossed him with ease – there aren’t many people in the universe that can do that.

The two battled and were evenly matched. However, before Thor could deliver the final blow, he turned into his mortal form and Bill capitalized on this moment to win the fight. He picked up Blake’s stick (which is really Mjölnir ) and transformed into the God of Thunder.

Later, Odin put the two against each other for the honor of using Mjölnir for good – battle that Bill won. But he didn’t leave with Mjölnir. Instead, he was gifted with a hammer of his own. Thus, Stormbreaker was born and the two eventually became brothers.

With Thor going into space with the Guardians of the Galaxy, it would be easy to see him getting into a fight with Beta Ray Bill. Especially since he’s going to need a new fighting buddy and Hulk’s not being a rage monster anymore.

In Thor: Ragnarok, we saw Bill’s face on the side of the arena where the Odinson and Hulk fought – so we know that he exists in the MCU. Moreover, Bill was a champion, so we know he’s not a pushover. He did have Stormbreaker in the comics, so there’s always a chance he could get it in the movie as well.

Knowing Marvel Studios, they may even end up killing Beta Ray Bill.