MCU: These 10 characters should never be Avengers

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Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics
Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics /

Daimon Hellstrom

This is one of the most interesting characters in Marvel Comics. Daimon Hellstrom is literally the son of Satan. This isn’t some random name he took just to sound and look cool.

His lineage is legitimate. Daimon is another of the street antiheroes. His specialty is in the mystic arts. He can banish demons, perform exorcisms, and has even been known to stop bullets in mid-air. He’s one of the most powerful sorcerers in Marvel Comics. Even Dr. Strange calls on him when he needs help. But there’s one thing that would keep Hellstrom from being an Avenger — he’s way too honest.

The Avengers can take criticism to a point. Eventually they’d get tired of Hellstrom telling them all the things they’re getting wrong. All the time travel, gods, and random things start to tear at the fabric of reality. Hellstrom would constantly yell at them to do something about it.

The Avengers have a tendency to let things slip their mind until it’s a world-ending event. I’d give Hellstrom one mission tops before he loses it and slaps Tony Stark, which would result in Captain Marvel blasting him through a wall. Daimon Hellstrom would also think he’s too good to join them anyway. He’d probably laugh at the thought of an invitation.