9 Marvel Comics women who deserve their own ABC TV show

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Jessica Jones
Credit Marvel Comics /

Elsa Bloodstone

Admittedly, I don’t know a lot about Elsa Bloodstone. However, from what I’ve seen and researched, she should have been popular a long time ago. It’s shocking we didn’t see her in any of the Marvel-Netflix shows. Her style and personality fits perfectly with Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Daredevil. However, she could have become popular, and her getting canceled would have been upsetting. Now, we could possibly see her in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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Everyone loves monsters and monster hunters, and this show gives us both. She uses a vast array of weapons to get the job done.

Bloodstone has also shown signs of having superhuman strength and a healing factor. During an issue of Kelly Thompson’s run on Jessica Jones, she teamed up with Jessica and was incredible. She cursed, fought, and showed how much of a force she is. Watching her take sea monsters apart was glorious. She was a perfect combination brutality and finesse.

There are a lot of gaps in with her background. Bringing her into the MCU could end all of that. Movies and TV shows tend to affect the comic books. In this case, it would be a good thing. We could finally get a clear-cut origin and see how long she’s been in the Marvel Universe. We would also find out what made her stay here.