Spider-Man: 3 reasons why fans shouldn’t panic if Spidey exits the MCU

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Credit: Sony Pictures for Venom (2017) — Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock /

3. A Spider-Man-less Universe no more

Despite not having Spider-Man, Sony hasn’t held back. They have planned an entire universe that doesn’t include their main web-slinger. Venom was the first installment in Sony’s Universe of Marvel Characters.

Director Daniel Espinosa’s Morbius is the next film to drop. Like Venom, there’s room to tell his story without including Spider-Man. Jared Leto is set to star as the Living Vampire, and the film is slated to hit theaters in 2020.

There were early talks of Black Cat and Silver Sable as one of the movies Sony lined up for their SUMC. IT was then canceled until it wasn’t as reported by Screen Rant just over a month ago when speaking with Sony’s Amy Pascal:

"“I like Black Cat a lot, I think she is a really great character… we didn’t really turn into the Black Cat yet… I think that’s a really great character… We’re still working on that. I think we have plans for that”."

The documented success of Venom makes it easy. It simply proved that Sony had the right idea. Despite fans questioning how a Spider-Man less universe could work, it doesn’t have to.

The SUMC doesn’t have to continue its franchises without Spider-Man. Now, they can use Spider-Man as a linear connection. It’s the reverse Thanos — a universe built around one character.

Eventually, he’d come face to face with these characters one way or another. If we’re lucky, it can happen sooner rather than later.