Spider-Man: 5 Marvel characters that could be the new face of the MCU

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Credit: 20th Century Fox /


Wolverine has everything Spider-Man does. He’s funny (sometimes in a way that’s pretty dark), he’s an incredible fighter and has a ton of depth. He’s also the perfect character to be right beside Captain Marvel. He knows how to take orders and will follow Captain Marvel because he’ll respect her. Logan wasn’t used to his potential with 20th Century Fox movies until Hugh Jackman’s final outing as the character in Logan. Even then, he died before we could get more.

Logan CAN be a leader, but it should have been Cyclops from the beginning to the end. With Captain Marvel and Black Panther being established, it would only make sense for one of them to lead and for Wolverine to get in line. Especially since it won’t take away from Logan’s character.

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Let’s call it like it is. He’s the best there is at what he does. And what he does is move units. It doesn’t matter if it’s comic books or movies. Making Wolverine the face isn’t something fans of the comic books and movies wouldn’t be used to. Plus, if Wolverine debuts before the X-Men, he could explain what a mutant is, and that could lead to the beginning of the MCU’s X-Men franchise.