Marvel Comics characters perfect for the horror movie genre

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If you haven’t seen any of the seemingly dozens of Saw movies, let me explain them to you. A guy builds murder machines in an attempt to make people go through pain, and he justifies it by making it a game. They survive by going through a ton of pain to prove that their lives have meaning. 99% of the time the people don’t learn anything and die in the most painful way possible. Now, imagine this without the backward sense of help, and add a psychopath with an obsession with carnivals. All the blood and gore plus a hint of sick humor equals Arcade.

Arcade is a sick and cowardly person. He creates these elaborate places called Murder World designed to kill people. His cowardice comes from him rarely getting his hands dirty. He lets his machines do the dirty work. Arcade used to go for the classic carnival look with killer roller coasters and carousel. But as time has passed, his designs have evolved.

Recently, Arcade’s created islands full of danger and used them as a game show, booby-trapped Mutant Town in X-Factor and a Dungeons and Dragons theme as well. While this section was started with Arcade’s project being close to Jigsaw in Saw, it doesn’t need the Mortal Kombat-style kills. We’ve seen the movies that have bloody kills and none of the unnecessary gore, all the deaths and none of the blood. It’s still enough to frighten people. Especially if they don’t see the kill coming.