Marvel Comics characters perfect for the horror movie genre

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Victor Creed has been one of Marvel Comics scariest villains for decades. You can look at him and see why. His razor-sharp teeth and sharp claws can easily tear through flesh. His appearance is intimidating, and his cold remorseless eyes are enough to make anyone lose hope. However, there are more horrifying things about Sabretooth than his physical features.

Despite his size, Sabretooth is incredibly stealthy. Most of his victims don’t know he’s stalking them until it’s too late. He also loves to torment his prey as he’s pursuing them. Letting them know that he’s around is enough to send a chill down anyone’s spine. Especially when he’s scraping his claws and laughing as he chases you down a dark alley. Once he has you, he won’t always go for the immediate kill. Sometimes he takes his time, taking people apart piece by piece in the most painful way possible. This is what makes Sabretooth perfect.

We’ve seen chilling movies where the antagonist is hunting his victim. Sabretooth could reshape this genre. He combines Freddy Krueger with Jason Vorhees — all of the sick humor with his menacing features and strength. This could create a new franchise. Plus, his healing factor gives an easy explanation as to why he never stays dead, solving a flaw with horror movies that always seems to annoy people.