Marvel Comics characters perfect for the horror movie genre

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X-Men: The Last Stand Beast
Credit: 20th Century Fox /

Dark Beast

Hank McCoy is known as the loveable bouncing Beast. He’d much rather sit in a lab than fight. Over the years, Beast has been vocal about how much he abhors violence. Even if he’s good at it. Beast has a counterpart from the “Age of Apocalypse” universe. This Hank McCoy has all of the intelligence and none of his morality. The Dark Beast horror movie could break the movie world as we know it.

“The Age of Apocalypse” is a scary movie in itself. It would feature a world where the chances of survival are slim, life is horrific, and even the purest of characters were corrupted; case in point, Hank McCoy. In Avengers /X-Men: Utopia, Matt Fraction wrote that Dark Beast was a torture afficianto. In Exiles, Tony Bedard wrote that Dark Beast did things that made Mr. Sinister cringe. He’s like Dr. Frankenstein; if Dr. Frankenstein was perfectly ok with experimenting on live subjects and ignoring their screams and pleads for mercy or death.

Dark Beast wouldn’t only be tormenting his unwilling patients, he’d also seize them himself. Picture not seeing who’s been capturing and experimenting on people until the middle of the movie. Then it’s revealed that he’s a monster with a genius intellect and a penchant for talking down to people. When his victims escape, he’d laugh and mock them because he knows they won’t get far. And he’d never get caught. He’s too smart. This could be the movie on this list with the most potential, especially if Kelsey Grammer reprises his role.