There’s nothing better than a good old-fashioned rivalry and DC Comics is full of them. From Superman & Lex Luthor to Batman & the Joker, we’re taking a look at the all-time greatest DC Comics rivalries of all-time.
Sure, self-motivation is great, but nothing brings out the best, or worst, in a person than a rival. Just like in sports, rivals exist in the comics, in this case, we’re talking about DC Comics. Unlike sports, rivals in the comics often pit good against bad guy, but a rivalry is more than that.
What makes any good rivalry is longevity and the impact it has on the lives of the two individuals. Things aren’t going to play out equally on both sides. Which is why a good rivalry also doesn’t have one person taking too many L’s. There are so many rivalries in the pages of DC Comics, but this list was about the Top 15.
The debate is welcome and so is the inevitable outrage — really, it’s okay. However, you can rest assured knowing you’ll see some amazing rivalries on the list. You’ll also notice that some names appear more than once.
Let’s keep it real, not all DC Comic characters are created equal. Sorry but there’s no Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, or Nightwing. It doesn’t mean you won’t see their names. In the end, this is all about the classic rivalries that withstood the test of time.
The question is… Where did the classic rivalries rank among the many that exist. Without further ado, let’s kick off the DC Comics Top 15 Greatest Rivalries.