9. The Thing has no thing
Ben Grimm can be noticed from a mile away. His giant rock form is easily recognized. If you don’t know who he is, you’d know he was something. It must have been difficult for the creators to try and develop a decent look for the Thing. After the first two Fantastic Four movies, the Thing’s design was going to be looked at carefully. One newspaper said that Michael Chiklis looked like a giant Rice Krispie Treat. That means there could be nowhere to go but up, especially with improvements in CGI since the first two movies. I’m certain a lot of people wish they could go back to the orange sugary treat.
The Thing’s design in the 2015 reboot was just bad and kind of lazy. It was like they watched The NeverEnding Story, copied the rock monster’s design, and then gave him spiked shoulders and a frown. They could have at least given him the classic Ben Grimm short shorts or pants. Speaking of pants, the Thing didn’t have a thing. Why did they do that to him?! He was running around starkers! All of that could have been avoided if they just gave him pants. Seriously, give the guy some dignity.